Sunday, August 2, 2009


then again, we were in a dark theatre watching Sacha's latest-BRUNO-.
so lets get to the gist of all the baloney--and it was sort of cute in a slightly tumescent stage.
ITS SUPPOSED TO PISS SOME PEOPLE OFF, ITS SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU LOOSE BOWEL CONTROL, ITS SUPPOSED TO BE NASTY, NAUGHTY N NICE. I've heard all the crap about it being over the top sexually and insulting to gays, straights and stray sheep somewhere in New Zealand--yea, WHAT EVA!!! as a gay man, i can't quite understand all the malarky from the likes of GLAAD- get over it, get on to the much more important issues like DADT, EQUAL MARRIAGE, REPEAL OF DOMA, ETC. it quite simply is one of the silliest, stupidest, downright laugh my ass off movie that I've seen in like years. its like a Monty Pyton laugh fest with one verbal or sight gag after another. maybe I'm just a jaded seen it all type of guy, but i can't for the life of me see anything that would come close to really truly offend someone unless that certain someone was a total dyed in the wool christianist, kkker, or homophobic idiot. AND THEN--WTF(what the fuck) are they doing in the damn place-- knowing that there gonna be bitch slapped by swinging penises. luckily for me, I'm not one to make a decision to see/not see a movie based on others views. if you wanna see a movie that keeps you in stitches from the moment it starts to the end--this, my friends, is the movie for you.

and to my dear dear nephew, is this really the way it is in today's modern armed forces--hmmmm, i just might have to reenlist!!

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