Monday, August 3, 2009


I'm watching this video and don't know if i should just laugh it off as some Jr high prank or make my move to Costa Rica to get away from the demented haters out there. Its strange that such an accomplished person(and she is- having been accepted by the California bar, owning 2 dental clinics as a dentist, and having raised 3 kids) can still be a MAJOR NUT CASE. I remember when John McCain's birth on a military installation in Panama was floated about as a disqualification and then it was quickly dropped by the Dems. Well, don't even think that these wackos will ever give up the fight. They have been rebuked on the local, state, and national court levels and been provided with countless legal documents stating Barack Obama's birth in the state of Hawaii, various postings in the local newsprint of the time, and still cannot accept that this black person can be a honest to god citizen of these United States of America. its like Barack's mom back in the day figured her chubby little black child was gonna grow up to be the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT OF THE GOOD OLD USA. -hmmmm, lets see now, he's like in his late 40's and if my memory serves me right--NO MOTHER OF ANY BLACK CHILD OR FOR THAT MATTER MEXICAN/HISPANIC KID ( AND FOR GOOD MEASURE THROW IN ASIANS) WOULD EVEN FANTASIZE IN HER WILDEST DREAMS THAT THEIR CHILD WOULD ONE DAY BE ELECTED PREZ.

SOOOO, -what they cannot get over is the fact that he beat the beejesus out of their many lilly white arsed candidates. And not only beat them--but dragged them thru the gutter soooooooo bad that one of them actually picked up what at first looked like a parasitic a bottom dweller. it turns out that this was no chance brushing up against a badly stained toilet seat, but a deliberate effort of said candidate to "bring some life into his campaign". Yep, I'm talking about everybodie's fav governor--OOPS- that's former gov by now--the lovely and somewhat untalented Sarah "shoot those danged wolfes" Palin.

These crazies are one thing cause for the most part they are on the fringes and not duly elected representatives of the people. its the elected ass holes who when asked for their position on Barack's citizenship, can't quite seem to be able to bring themselves to just say "yes he is a legally born citizen". they hedge and haw, never actually stating a firm "no" just sort of leaving it out there for people to figure that if a senator or a house rep can't bring his/herself to unequivocally to state the affirmative, then hey- they must have legit reasons to doubt. they have no legit reasons. their not looking to have legit reasons. their not even looking to have half-assed excuses. they too are also soooooo pissed off that this black man is president that come hell or high water they will do whatever they can to undermine all his agenda, with no regard to anyone else but their selves and their raciest followers.

for the rest of us, keep the faith and if you ever run into one of these nutcases, ask to see their proof of citizenship and for good measure ask to see proof that they are born again christian!!!!
happy hunting.

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