Tuesday, July 7, 2009


sooo, it's been a couple of days and I'm still in the dark about how to set up certain things... oh well.! today was basically the day when everybody stopped what they were doing and turned on the telly and watched the MICHAEL JACKSON MARATHON FUCK FEST. i understand that Mikey was one hell of an entertainer and all that and that he sold like a gazillion records, cds, and maybe even some 8 tracks in some backward country. BUT COME ON PEOPLE--do we have to completely saturate the airwaves non-stop when I'm sure that maybe--just maybe-- there are people still being tortured in Iran, our Prez is talking to the Ruskies trying to keep them from hating us and building up their missiles, and yes, we still have that pesky nutcase over yonder in n. korea who thinks he is THE BOMB and threatens to wipe us off the face of the earth with like a couple of scud missiles!! AND THEN THEY HAD TO BE COMPLETE EGO FREAKS AND PUT MIKEY'S POOR LITTLE GIRL ON AND HAVE HER BREAK OUT IN A TORRENT OF TEARS. THEN AGAIN, I NEVER EXPECTED ANYTHING EVEN APPROACHING A SHRED OF DIGNITY TO FLOW FORTH FROM THE JACKSON CLAN.
Its not like i didn't like his music--i loved him AND his music until he went a bit off and started painting his body white and sticking plastic up his nose and down his chin--DAMN, WHAT A WASTE OF GOOD BLACKNESS --AND SUCH A CUTIE PIE HE WAS!!

Oh well, at least it took us away from the only other tragic and horrifying event of the weekend--THE ANNOUNCED RESIGNATION OF ALASKA'S PRINCESS OF CRAP-SARAH PALIN. Now here's a nutcase that keeps on giving and giving and giving. just when you think that she has run out of bullshit and she has scraped the bottom of her cod liver oil barrel, she manages to pull another fine piece of crap out of her waders and waves it patriotically while at the same time sliming everything that the flag stands for--you know--freedom, liberty, individual rights, etc. so now she tells her fellow Alaskans that she is quitting--oops sorry--i mean "passing the ball" in order to help the "team" succeed. Yea right.

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