Saturday, August 15, 2009


so i'm outside of las vegas and have to go tinkle so i pull into this huge, megalarge, monstrous, gigantic, stupendous, enormouse, monstrosity and just plain big truck stop with the largest, biggest, --well u get the point. ANYWHO, i go in and notice this cute guy in the urinal next over and so before u know it-well u know it AND THEN HIS DAD WALKS IN AND ALL I COULD THINK OF WAS TO THROW MY CELL PHONE INTO THE KIDS URINAL AND FISH IT OUT -TELLING THE DAD "O SORRY, I JUST DROPPED MY PHONE" HE WAS ACTUALLY QUITE NICE ABOUT IT-EVEN TOLD ME WHERE THE ATT STORE WAS. AS FOR THE BOY, WELL TURNS OUT HE WASN'T A BOY AFTER ALL BUT A MID PRE/POST OP HERMORPHREDITE/TRANSEXUAL WITH SEISURES TO BOOT.

so anyway, don't try and call me cause pee does not do wonders for your cell phone- at least it didn't for mine. i started late-8:30am and arrived at midpoint at 7:35pm. i had the motel name etc on my phone and couldn't remember the name, or street it was on--DAMN CHUCKIE, THE FUN YOU MISSED TODAY!! then the damn gps kept trying to send me off into the mountains looking for fillmore, utah. so here we are on the veranda of this precious little motel typing away. its like 75 degrees and just nice.

didn't get a chance to take any vids cause someone forgot to charge the damn battery and didnt bring the car charger. its charging now and i'll take some vids all day tomorrow. the distance is about 475 miles as the car drives on the interstate. today we logged 576 miles. i'm shooting for like 7 hours tomorrow, no big cities in the way except for salt lake city. so today i crossed cali, nevada, arizona, and utah. i shot some crap at the strip, rimmed the grand canyon, rubbed starchy shirts with some biker mormans and almost peed on myself-- and yes thats in addition to the urinal 2 carrot golden shower episode.

until manana,
me, deedee, and honeybun
the tres enchilidas


  1. OH MY GOSH!! I did'nt quite understand what happened right before the dad walked in; you are so crazy! I guess it was serious because you threw you phone in the tinkle; no wonder why you didn't answer your phone.


  2. i'm trying to buy another one today--A PHONE --NOT A GUY!!!!

  3. Well I hope your successful at getting a NEW PHONE; I know you hated the old phone but come on you did'nt have to go that far just to get a new one!
